Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come

I personally really enjoy this hymn and the message that it portrays. It gives the message that God sent Christ down to earth as human, not a Spirit, to save us all and how he did everything for us and we have to do nothing. I think a language tool that was used well and often was description. The hymn describes the process of how to receive salvation. It tells how God sent his "wondrous child" from a "virgin undefiled" and the process of Christ being perfect and coming to earth and living the perfect life. Then, it continues to say that he died, conquered death and hell, and rose in "triumph". These words reveal the greatness and holiness of Christ and why he is the reason that we can someday live with him. The last verse tells all believers that we should give all of our praise and honor to God. The hymn does so much use great descriptive words but use a great description process of how we are saved and how God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit did it all for us! All we have to do is believe and everything else is taken care of!

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