Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going green?

I think his point is that you can go "green" in almost everything that you do. I think the sentence that gets his point across is the one in the very beginning "Of the three, I prefer to focus on reuse". Hhe goes on to say that people don't want to or just don't use things and only until these things do not work is it really time to recycle. I agree with this statement. People should not just use things once and then get rid of it. They should use it as many times as they can to get the maximum value out of it and then they can recycle. It would just save so many products.
I also like how he kept things from the reader. It kind of let the reader decide what they wanted to think about his opinion. He did not exactly tell them what to do but gave some examples from his life on how he reuses his talents and abilties to work because he wants to work until he dies. The intent was to encourage others to get the best out of whatever they are using or doing and it created an effect.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come

I personally really enjoy this hymn and the message that it portrays. It gives the message that God sent Christ down to earth as human, not a Spirit, to save us all and how he did everything for us and we have to do nothing. I think a language tool that was used well and often was description. The hymn describes the process of how to receive salvation. It tells how God sent his "wondrous child" from a "virgin undefiled" and the process of Christ being perfect and coming to earth and living the perfect life. Then, it continues to say that he died, conquered death and hell, and rose in "triumph". These words reveal the greatness and holiness of Christ and why he is the reason that we can someday live with him. The last verse tells all believers that we should give all of our praise and honor to God. The hymn does so much use great descriptive words but use a great description process of how we are saved and how God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit did it all for us! All we have to do is believe and everything else is taken care of!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sermon Contrast

1. 29, makes, took, died, lives, rose, reigns, and put
2. Edward's sermon is about the Law and makes you feel terrible about yourself. He talks about how God is always angry with us and that he wants to send us to hell but he is merciful. In Rev. Borghardt's sermon, he gives you more Gospel. He talks about how God wants and always does love us and that he is not angry with us because someday we will get to live with him in heaven. Edwards says that we should live in fear of God but Borghardt says that we have nothing to fear because Christ died on the cross.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Obstructing your view of driving? Really?

This article talks about how there is a law that prohibites things to be hung from your rear-view mirror but, how few officers actually enforce the law.
"We don't want drivers to drive down the road with their vision obstructed," Bolger said. "The bill in its current form would still prohibit things that obstruct the view of the driver." I like this quote because I think this statement sums up what the government is trying to do. I agree with what Bolger has to say. I believe that some things should be ok to put on the mirror that do not affect your view of driving but larger things that impair your vision of the road should still be ban because that could be hazardous to other drivers. Overall, I agree that there should be some type of ban on large items placed on the rear-view mirror but small things should not bring up an issue. No one should be recieving a ticket for an air freshener on their rear-view mirror because it is harmless to the drivers vision. On the other hand, larger things should probably be banned.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Playing the Race Card

I believe that Mitch Albom is trying to get his point across in saying that race does not play a factor in sports issues and controversies. He says that many people use the race card just to solve certain issues. I agree with Albom on this topic. The problem here was definately not racial. It had to with Lebron being an attention hog and wanted the spotlight all on him. The reason why most of the public dislikes him now is because Lebron is basically saying, "Hey everyone! Look at me! Im the greatest baseketball player alive!" Many people dislike that about him but I don't think that the racial card had anything to do with the Lebron controversey. I also think that the controversey with Farve was the same type of thing. He wanted all of the attention on himself and that is why people started to dislike him more and more. Also, both of these superstar athletes chose to abandon their home teams and this usually causes dissruption among fans because they never like to see athletes to betray their home teams. But, I do not believe that race played a factor at all in Lebron's situation. It only had to do with him being arrogant and wanting all of the focus to be on him.